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actionable providing legitimate grounds for legal action.
campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
caretaker an employee responsible for the physical maintenance of property, such as a building or grounds. [1/2 definitions]
censor an official who examines written works, films, plays, and the like in order to delete parts that are considered objectionable on political, moral, or other grounds. [1/6 definitions]
churchyard the grounds surrounding a church, often used as a cemetery.
class action a lawsuit brought on behalf of all persons sharing grounds for legal action, such as all consumers allegedly harmed by a particular product.
consulate the buildings and grounds occupied by a consul. [1/2 definitions]
demesne the grounds surrounding and attached to a country house or mansion. [1/5 definitions]
flyway a specific air route taken regularly by birds on their semiannual migrations to and from their breeding grounds.
foe one who opposes something on grounds of principle or strong feeling. [1/5 definitions]
found2 to establish the grounds for; base (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon") [1/3 definitions]
gamekeeper a person employed to breed and protect game birds and other wildlife on private grounds or on a game preserve.
ground1 (always plural: grounds) tiny bits that settle at the bottom of a liquid. [1/9 definitions]
groundskeeper a person responsible for the maintenance of the grounds of an estate, park, sports field, or the like.
hopeless giving no grounds to be hopeful that a desired thing will happen; beyond hope. [1/3 definitions]
justify to find or give reasonable grounds for (some action or decision), or to ascribe honorable motives to (some action or decision). [2/5 definitions]
litterbug someone who scatters waste paper or other refuse on streets, roadsides, public grounds, or the like.
lodge a small house on the grounds of a larger house or estate. [1/7 definitions]
logic justifiable reason or grounds for something. [1/6 definitions]
park the usu. extensive grounds surrounding a country home. [1/7 definitions]
percolator a coffee pot that makes coffee by repeatedly forcing boiling water up through a hollow center tube and filtering it through a basket filled with coffee grounds.