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combine a machine used to harvest crops. A combine cuts and cleans the grain. [1/2 definitions]
crop the harvest of one or more farm products in a year or a season. [1/7 definitions]
cropper a person who raises crops on someone else's land, in return for a share of the harvest; sharecropper. [1/4 definitions]
gather to pick or harvest (plants or crops). [1/12 definitions]
harvestable combined form of harvest.
harvester any of various machines used to harvest crops. [1/2 definitions]
hunter's moon the first full moon following the harvest moon, usu. in late October.
migrant a person who travels from place to place to find work. Migrants harvest grapes, apples, lettuce, and other farm crops. [1/2 definitions]
overharvest (of crops or natural products) to harvest or gather in too much quantity or in too great frequency so that the supply becomes reduced or eliminated. [1/2 definitions]
postharvest combined form of harvest.
preharvest combined form of harvest.
reap to bring in a crop of grain; harvest. [1/3 definitions]
ripe fully grown and ready for harvest or eating.
scythe to cut or harvest using a scythe. [1/2 definitions]
Shavuoth a Jewish holiday, originally a harvest festival, that commemorates the revelation of the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
summer squash any of various kinds of squash, esp. a yellow variety, that must be eaten soon after harvest.
Thanksgiving (cap.) a U.S. holiday held on the fourth Thursday in November. On Thanksgiving, Americans remember the good harvest of the Pilgrims in 1621 and show thanks for what they have now; Thanksgiving Day. [1/2 definitions]
Thanksgiving Day a U.S. holiday held on the fourth Thursday in November every year. Thanksgiving Day serves as a reminder of the good harvest of 1621 that was enjoyed by a group of early European settlers, the Pilgrims. The holiday also serves as a reminder to celebrate and be thankful for the things one has.
winter planted in autumn so as to be ready to harvest in spring or summer. [1/10 definitions]