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china delicate, high-quality ceramic material or ware; porcelain. [1/2 definitions]
germanium a tetravalent metal chemical element that has thirty-two protons in each nucleus and occurs naturally as a contaminant of coal, but can be purified for use in transistors and as a component of high-quality optical glass. (symbol: Ge)
mocha a high-quality Arabian coffee. [1/4 definitions]
MP3 abbreviation of "Moving Pictures Expert Group, Audio Layer 3," an audio file format that compresses sound data, esp. music, for easy transfer over the internet, while providing high-quality playback sound. [1/3 definitions]
neodymium a rare-earth metallic chemical element that has sixty protons in each nucleus and that occurs most frequently as a trivalent ion in salts and minerals, used esp. in coloring high-quality optical glass. (symbol: Nd)
off-price designating the retail stores or outlets that sell name brands and other high-quality merchandise at a discount. [1/2 definitions]
walnut any of various trees related to the hickory, bearing edible nuts, and used as shade trees and as a source of high-quality wood. [1/4 definitions]