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antipope a person who declares himself pope in opposition to the pope elected by church laws.
buck1 a man who is or considers himself to be exceptionally virile or dashing. [1/3 definitions]
bully1 someone who repeatedly harasses and intimidates those weaker than himself. [1/5 definitions]
Daedalus in Greek mythology, an artist who made wings for himself and his son Icarus to escape from the Labyrinth in Crete.
Dracula in a late nineteenth-century novel by Bram Stoker, the title character, a vampire, who is able to transform himself into a bat.
family style using or pertaining to a method of serving food, as in a boardinghouse or some restaurants, in which dishes are passed from one person to another and each helps himself or herself. [1/2 definitions]
flagellant one who scourges himself or herself as a means of religious discipline or penance. [1/2 definitions]
ham2 an actor who calls attention to himself or herself by overacting. [1/3 definitions]
hanger-on one who attaches himself or herself to a person or group in hope of personal advantage.
hireling someone who hires himself or herself out, esp. to do menial or unpleasant tasks. [1/2 definitions]
I1 the one who is speaking or writing and referring to himself or herself.
ipse dixit (Latin) he himself said it; an unproven or dogmatic assertion.
ladykiller (informal) a man who is thought by himself or others to be irresistibly fascinating to women.
perfectionist one who tends not to be satisfied with less than perfect performance from herself or himself. [1/3 definitions]
reflexive of a pronoun, used as an object that refers back to the subject of a sentence, as "himself" in "He admired himself in the mirror". [2/4 definitions]
self myself, himself, herself, or yourself. [1/3 definitions]
stowaway a passenger who conceals himself or herself aboard a ship or airplane in order to ride free or elude pursuit.
trader a person who belongs to a stock exchange and trades stock for himself instead of for others. [1/2 definitions]
upstart one who has an exaggerated esteem of himself or herself. [1/4 definitions]
Walter Mitty the main character of James Thurber's modern story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, who is mild and ineffectual, but who imagines himself a hero in various situations. [1/2 definitions]