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Dictionary Suite
bison a hoofed, shaggy, cud-chewing mammal with a large head and forequarters, short curved horns, and a hump at the shoulders, found in North America; buffalo. [1/2 definitions]
cannon bone a supporting bone between the knee or hock and the fetlock of a hoofed animal.
deer any of a family of large, swift, hoofed mammals, such as the white-tailed deer or the reindeer, the males of which usu. have antlers that grow and are shed yearly. [1/2 definitions]
moose a large North American hoofed, cud-chewing mammal with humped shoulders, the males of which bear broad, flattened antlers.
pachyderm any of several very thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant, hippopotamus, and rhinoceros.
pig any of a number of omnivorous cloven-hoofed mammals with broad snouts; swine; hog. [1/3 definitions]
rhinoceros one of several species of large, plant-eating, hoofed mammals native to Africa and Southeast Asia, having a very thick hide and one or two vertical horns on the snout.
ruminant any of various cud-chewing cloven-hoofed quadrupeds, such as cattle, deer, or camels, that usu. have a stomach divided into three or four compartments. [1/3 definitions]
swine any of several cloven-hoofed animals related to or resembling the domestic hog, such as the wild boar. [1/3 definitions]
tapir any of several related four-footed, hoofed, piglike mammals that have a heavy body, short legs, and a long flexible fleshy snout.
vicuņa a wild cloven-hoofed, cud-chewing mammal of South America that is related to the llama but is smaller and has a silky fleece. [1/2 definitions]