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accidental not part of the basic nature of a thing; secondary; incidental. [1/5 definitions]
adventitious connected to or arising from something in a nonessential manner; accidental or incidental. [1/2 definitions]
by- incidental; secondary. [1/2 definitions]
circumstantial relevant but not essential; incidental. [1/2 definitions]
contingency something that depends on or is incidental to something else. [1/3 definitions]
incidentally in an incidental manner. [1/2 definitions]
mention a reference, esp. incidental. [1/3 definitions]
obiter dictum an incidental or supplementary judicial opinion that is not legally binding. [2 definitions]
pin money a small sum of money set aside for incidental expenses.
pocket money a small amount of money given or carried for incidental expenses. [1/2 definitions]
sidelight incidental or inessential information. [1/3 definitions]
stray scattered, isolated, or incidental. [1/7 definitions]