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conservator in law, one designated to care for the person and property of someone declared incompetent to do so. [1/2 definitions]
feckless weak or incompetent; ineffective. [1/2 definitions]
half-assed incompetent; lacking knowledge or ability. [2/3 definitions]
incapable lacking in skill; incompetent. [1/4 definitions]
incompetent someone who is incompetent. [1/4 definitions]
inept lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent. [1/3 definitions]
insanity in law, a mental condition so disordered that the afflicted person is considered incompetent to engage in contracts or similar matters, or that he or she may be committed to an institution. [1/4 definitions]
joker (informal) a person considered to be incompetent, mischievous, or annoying. [1/4 definitions]
loser (informal) one who is considered to be ineffectual, incompetent, or socially unacceptable. [1/2 definitions]
Peter Principle the satiric idea that employees of large organizations tend to be promoted until they reach the level at which they are incompetent.
rape1 the crime of forcing an unwilling or legally incompetent person to participate in sexual intercourse. [2/5 definitions]
yo-yo (slang) a person considered to be stupid or incompetent. [1/3 definitions]