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Dictionary Suite
aversion someone or something inspiring dislike or disgust. [1/2 definitions]
detestable inspiring or deserving strong hatred; abominable.
endearing inspiring or expressing warm affection.
life-giving able to give life; revitalizing; refreshing; inspiring.
oriflamme any inspiring symbol, esp. of courage, devotion, and valor. [1/3 definitions]
piteous worthy of or inspiring pity or sympathy; pitiable.
pitiable worthy of or inspiring pity or sympathy; piteous. [2 definitions]
pitiful worthy of or inspiring pity or sympathy; pitiable. [1/2 definitions]
prodigious inspiring wonder and admiration; marvelous. [1/2 definitions]
proud marked by, suggesting, or inspiring a feeling of pride. [1/6 definitions]
redoubtable inspiring fear; formidable. [2 definitions]
rueful inspiring sorrow or pity. [1/2 definitions]
sultry inspiring sensual attraction. [1/2 definitions]
superb awe-inspiring or imposing in appearance; magnificent. [1/2 definitions]
uninspiring combined form of inspiring.
wonder the feeling that is caused by something amazing, surprising, or awe-inspiring. [1/7 definitions]