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acculturate to instill in (a growing child) the culture and values of a particular society. [1/3 definitions]
assurance an assertion meant to instill confidence. [1/3 definitions]
earwig to annoy or instill biases in (someone) by persistent secretive communications. [1/2 definitions]
implant to establish firmly in someone's mind; instill. [1/3 definitions]
inculcate to implant in someone's mind by earnest and frequent repetition; instill (usu. fol. by "in"). [1/2 definitions]
infix to fix in the mind or memory; instill; impress. [1/5 definitions]
infuse to introduce or inject, as if by pouring; instill (usu. fol. by "into"). [1/2 definitions]
pep talk a vigorous talk to an individual or group, such as an athletic team, to instill enthusiasm, increase determination, and the like.
pound1 to instill by constant repetition. [1/8 definitions]
spoil to instill an unhealthy sense of entitlement in (a person) through excessive indulgence, too much freedom, withheld punishments, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
strike to induce or instill (a feeling or emotion). [1/31 definitions]
terror acts or threats of violence used to instill fear and force others to satisfy one's demands. [1/4 definitions]
train to instill skills or behavior in through discipline or instruction. [1/12 definitions]