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centerboard on a sailboat, a flat wooden or metal keel that can be raised or lowered for greater stability while the boat is in motion.
false keel a narrow strip attached below a ship's main keel for protection and added stability.
forefoot the point on a ship at which the prow is joined to the keel. [1/2 definitions]
hermaphrodite brig a sailing ship with a foremast that has square sails and a mainmast that has sails parallel to the keel.
keel a long piece of wood or metal that runs down the length of the bottom of a boat or ship. The keel makes a boat or ship stable in the water.
keelless combined form of keel.
keelson a timber or girder in the hull of a ship, fastened above and parallel to the keel to add structural strength.
knockabout a small sailing vessel with a mainsail, jib, and keel, but no bowsprit. [1/3 definitions]
semirigid somewhat rigid, esp. as a kind of aircraft with a rigid internal keel but whose shape is held by gas pressure.
square sail a four-sided sail rigged on a yard that is horizontal to the mast and athwart the keel of a sailing vessel.