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Dictionary Suite
age of majority the age at which a person is granted by law the rights and responsibilities of an adult, such as liability under contract and the right to sue.
coverage the amount or type of protection available against loss or liability as provided by insurance or reserve funds, or the protection itself. [1/3 definitions]
exempt one who has been released from an obligation, liability, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
exemption in U.S. taxation, a deduction from one's tax liability for each person one supports financially. [1/2 definitions]
guarantee to promise protection of (someone or something) against liability or loss; indemnify; insure. [1/11 definitions]
immunity the state or an instance of not being subject to a common liability or specific obligation. [1/2 definitions]
indemnify to insure against loss or liability. [1/2 definitions]
indemnity insurance against damage, loss, or liability. [2/3 definitions]
limited company (chiefly British) a company owned by shareholders who have only limited liability for the company's debts.
Ltd. abbreviation of "limited (company)," (chiefly British) a company owned by shareholders who have only limited liability for the company's debts.
underwrite to assume liability up to (a specified amount). [2/8 definitions]