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Dictionary Suite
chug a short, repetitive, explosive sound, esp. that made by a slow-moving locomotive. [1/3 definitions]
cowcatcher a strong metal frame on the front of a locomotive that removes obstacles from the track.
dinkey a small locomotive, used in a railroad yard to shift or haul cars.
driving wheel a wheel that transmits power from an engine, either to other wheels, or into propulsive effort, as on a locomotive engine.
engine a railroad locomotive. [1/3 definitions]
engineer one who runs an engine or locomotive. [1/5 definitions]
fender a heavy guard on the front of a locomotive or streetcar, to push obstacles away. [1/5 definitions]
locomotive of, related to, or being a locomotive. [1/4 definitions]
trolley a pulley wheel or like device held against or traveling on a track or overhead wire, used to conduct current from the wire to a moving object such as a streetcar or locomotive. [1/7 definitions]