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Dictionary Suite
castor oil a colorless or yellowish oil derived from castor beans and used as a lubricant and cathartic.
grease a semisolid oily substance, often used as a lubricant. [1/4 definitions]
grease cup a lubricant container mounted over a bearing.
lanolin a fatty substance extracted from sheep's wool and used as a lubricant in soap, cosmetics, and ointments.
lube (informal) a lubricant. [2 definitions]
lubricant used or serving as a lubricant. [1/2 definitions]
lubricate to coat or supply with a lubricant. [1/2 definitions]
lubricity smoothness or slipperiness, esp. the effectiveness of a lubricant as determined by this quality. [1/3 definitions]
petrolatum a colorless or yellowish, translucent, greasy, semisolid petroleum derivative used as a lubricant and in medical ointments; petroleum jelly.
propylene glycol a thick colorless liquid used as a lubricant, in antifreeze, and as a solvent.
synovia a clear, thickish secretion from body membranes such as joints or tendon sheaths, which acts as a lubricant.