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Dictionary Suite
amphibian any cold-blooded vertebrate, such as a frog or salamander, that has aquatic gill-breathing larvae and terrestrial lung-breathing adults. [1/4 definitions]
asbestosis a chronic lung disease marked by thickening and scarring of the lung tissue that is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos.
black lung a lung disease, esp. of miners, that is caused by long-term exposure to coal dust.
blue baby an infant born with blue-tinged skin from insufficient oxygen in the blood, caused by a congenital heart or lung defect.
bronchus either of the two main branches into which the windpipe divides and which leads into a lung.
carcinoid a small tumor that secretes serotonin, found esp. in the gastrointestinal tract or lung.
heparin an organic acid that occurs in liver and lung tissue and is sometimes used to prevent blood clots.
lungwort a European plant of the borage family, formerly used in the treatment of lung diseases and respiratory disorders, that has green or spotted leaves and bearsblue flowers. [1/2 definitions]
lupus a disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues, resulting in any of a variety of symptoms such as skin lesions, lung inflammation, or liver dysfunction.
pectoral concerning or used in treating lung disease. [1/5 definitions]
pleura the thin membranous sac that envelops each lung and lines the thorax in mammals.
pneumothorax an abnormal accumulation of air in the pleural cavity, which can cause the lung to collapse.
short-winded breathing in short choppy inhalations; unable to withstand strenuous exercise because of insufficient lung capacity. [1/2 definitions]
silicosis a disabling lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of silica dust.