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bodywork manipulation or touching of the body for healing purposes using special techniques such as massage or stretching. [1/3 definitions]
chiropractic a system of healing in which manipulation of the spinal column and other body structures is used to restore normal nerve function and thus good health.
gaslight to use psychological manipulation in an attempt to make (a person or persons) believe that they are losing their sanity or that their memories or valid suspicions are false. [1/3 definitions]
gaslighting psychological manipulation that attempts to make a person or persons believe that they are losing their sanity or that their memories or valid suspicions are false.
gerrymander the manipulation, or the result of the manipulation, of the boundaries of election districts so as to favor a particular political party. [1/2 definitions]
maneuver a skillful or crafty procedure or manipulation. [1/8 definitions]
osteopathy a branch of medical treatment that is based chiefly on the manipulation of bones and muscles.
overreach to grasp in a greedy way as by cheating or other manipulation. [1/6 definitions]
puzzle a toy or enjoyable problem that requires thought, and sometimes manipulation of something, for a solution. [1/4 definitions]
recalcitrant that defies control or manipulation. [1/3 definitions]
recombinant of, pertaining to, or produced by the artificial manipulation of genetic material.
recombination the formation of new and different sets of chromosomes or genes through cellular reproductive activity or artificial manipulation.
robber baron a U.S. capitalist of the late nineteenth century who acquired great wealth and influence by ruthless exploitation of natural and human resources, market manipulation, political corruption, and the like. [1/2 definitions]