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bayou a stream that moves slowly through a swamp or marsh. Bayous are found in the southern United States.
bog an area of soft, wet earth; marsh. [1/2 definitions]
calla a marsh plant of northern Europe and North America. [1/2 definitions]
cattail any of several tall, reedlike marsh plants with tiny brown flowers growing in dense rows on a cylindrical spike.
cowslip a marsh plant bearing bright yellow flowers. [1/2 definitions]
everglade a tract of swampland, esp. in Florida, having interlaced waterways and usu. dense stands of tall marsh grasses.
gallinule any of a variety of marsh birds characterized by long, webless toes and dark plumage.
harrier1 any of several related hawks that have narrow bodies and wings and prey on small animals and reptiles in open fields and marshes; marsh hawk. [1/2 definitions]
hummock a low, rounded mound or knoll of earth, esp. in a low-lying marsh. [1/2 definitions]
ignis fatuus a phosphorescent light that appears to hover over marshes at night, possibly arising from spontaneous combustion of marsh gases; will-o'-the-wisp. [1/2 definitions]
lake dwelling a dwelling, esp. in prehistoric times, built on wooden piles in a shallow part of a lake or marsh.
marshy of, resembling, or containing a marsh or marshes.
northern harrier a medium-sized gray or brown hawk common in marshes in North America and Eurasia; marsh hawk.
ooze2 any particularly soft mud, or an area, such as a marsh, that is soft and muddy. [1/2 definitions]
quaggy like a marsh or quagmire; boggy. [1/2 definitions]
quagmire wet, soft, sucking ground; marsh; bog. [1/2 definitions]
rail3 any of a number of marsh birds having brown plumage, short wings, and a lean body, found in many areas of the world.
reed any of various tall marsh grasses or their straight, jointed, hollow stalks. [1/3 definitions]
rose mallow any of several plants related to mallow, esp. a tall North American marsh species that has downy leaves and bears large, showy, white or pink flowers.
rush2 any of several marsh grasses.
salina a salty marsh, spring, lake, or the like. [1/2 definitions]