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ambiance the distinctive character or mood of an environment; atmosphere. [1/2 definitions]
atmosphere a feeling or mood created by a particular place or a work of art. [1/3 definitions]
atmospheric having or creating a pervasive mood. [1/2 definitions]
bad-humored having or showing an unpleasant or ill-tempered nature or mood.
bad-tempered having a bad temper or mood; cranky; irritable.
break up to lighten (something intense or monotonous) by means of periodic breaks or shifts in activity or mood. [1/10 definitions]
come on used to encourage someone to change his or her mood, atttitude, or opinion. [1/7 definitions]
come over of a mood or feeling, to start to affect (someone). [1/6 definitions]
crank (informal) a person who is always grouchy or in a bad mood. [1/4 definitions]
cranky in a bad mood; grouchy.
cross in a bad mood. [1/10 definitions]
crummy of a person's mood or physical condition, somewhat bad or unhappy. [1/2 definitions]
daffy (informal) silly, foolish, crazy, or weak-minded in mood or temperament.
depressed experiencing psychological depression, a mood disorder characterized by pervasive sadness or hopelessness. [1/4 definitions]
depression a mood characterized by deep sadness or low spirits. [1/4 definitions]
disposition a person's usual mood or attitude. [1/2 definitions]
doldrums a period or mood of inactivity, listlessness, or mild depression. [1/2 definitions]
dolor a feeling or mood of sorrow, grief, or woe.
emoticon (from "emotion icon") a small icon made of punctuation characters and letters that is placed in an e-mail or text. An emoticon shows the mood of the writer.
feel like to have a desire for (something) or interest in (doing something); be in the mood for.
fume an irritated state; angry mood. [1/6 definitions]