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Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. birth name of Muhammad Ali, U.S. boxer and international political activist who won the world heavyweight championship three times.
emir a title of honor bestowed on the descendants of Muhammad. [1/2 definitions]
imam (often cap.) any of various Muslim leaders regarded as successors or descendants of Muhammad. [1/3 definitions]
Islam a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad as set forth in the Koran. [1/3 definitions]
Koran the fundamental sacred text of Islam, believed to have been revealed to Muhammad by Allah and serving as the basis of Muslim religion, law, and secular conduct.
Medina a city in western Saudi Arabia, holy to Islam because Muhammad is buried there.
Mohammed variant of Muhammad.
Muhammadan of or pertaining to Muhammad or the Muslim religion. [1/2 definitions]
prophet (cap.) Muhammad, founder of the Muslim religion (prec. by "the"). [1/5 definitions]
sherif a descendant of Muhammad by way of Fatima, his daughter. [1/3 definitions]
Shiite a member of the Shiah sect of Islam, which does not accept the Sunna as authoritative and considers Muhammad's son-in-law Ali to be the legitimate successor to Muhammad. (Cf. Sunnite.)
Sunna the traditional body of Muslim law, based on the teachings and practices of Muhammad but not attributed directly to him, and followed by orthodox Muslims.