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acepromazine an oily orange compound used to immobilize large animals, to stop nausea, and to tranquilize.
airsickness motion sickness, usu. including nausea, caused by air travel.
antinausea combined form of nausea.
chlorpromazine a drug used to treat nervous upset, nausea, and certain mental disorders.
cyclizine an antihistamine used to combat nausea and motion sickness.
disgust to cause nausea or revulsion in; sicken; repel. [1/3 definitions]
Dramamine trademark for a drug, dimenhydrinate, used to control nausea caused by the motion of a car, airplane, ship, or the like.
hangover the unpleasant aftereffects, such as headache or nausea, of drinking too much alcohol, usu. experienced after sleep.
heat exhaustion a condition caused by excessive heat and characterized by dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating, and often complete collapse; heat prostration.
infectious hepatitis an abnormal condition of the liver accompanied by inflammation, jaundice, nausea, and vomiting, that may be caused by a viral infection or poison.
katzenjammer the headache and nausea associated with a hangover. [1/2 definitions]
migraine an extremely painful, usu. recurring headache that is characteristically accompanied by vision disturbances and nausea.
morning sickness nausea and sometimes vomiting in the early part of the day during the first several months of pregnancy.
motion sickness nausea and dizziness induced by the motion of an airplane, car, ship, or the like.
mountain sickness nausea, weakness, and difficulty in breathing at high altitudes, caused by lack of oxygen.
nauseate to upset the stomach of (a person or animal), often to the point of causing vomiting; cause nausea in. [1/2 definitions]
nauseous causing nausea; sickening or disgusting. [2 definitions]
queasy feeling nausea. [2/3 definitions]
radiation sickness sickness induced by overexposure to ionizing radiation such as x-rays or gamma rays, resulting in nausea, diarrhea, bleeding, hair loss, sterility, and often death.
rotavirus any of a genus (Rotavirus) of double-stranded RNA viruses causing a low-grade fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, esp. in infants and young children.
sick suffering from nausea. [1/5 definitions]