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Bedford Stuyvesant a neighborhood in the the New York City borough of Brooklyn, sometimes referred to as "Bed Stuy."
blockbusting the renting or selling of property to a black person in an all-white neighborhood. [1/3 definitions]
Bohemia (often l.c.) a community or neighborhood inhabited by nonconformists, such as artists and intellectuals. [1/2 definitions]
bowery (cap.) a street in lower Manhattan and the neighborhood around it, at one time characterized by cheap bars and flophouses (prec. by "the"). [1/2 definitions]
brownout a cut or reduction of electrical power in a neighborhood or city.
Chinatown any neighborhood or region inhabited by Chinese in a foreign city.
community center one or more buildings serving a community or neighborhood as a meeting place for social, educational, athletic, or other activities.
distressed of, pertaining to, or designating an area or neighborhood suffering from widespread poverty or a natural disaster. [1/3 definitions]
gentrify to restore or upgrade (a deteriorated neighborhood) by renovation of existing homes and the like, usu. resulting in the displacement of poor residents by more affluent ones.
grocery store a store in which food and other supplies for the household are sold. A grocery store can be a small shop in one's neighborhood or a large supermarket.
local having to do with a particular place such as a neighborhood or town. [1/2 definitions]
locality a particular neighborhood, place, or region.
neighbourhood a spelling of "neighborhood" used in Canada and Britain. See "neighborhood" for more information.
quarter an section of a town or city; neighborhood. [1/9 definitions]
racial having to do with relationships or connections between races of people living in the same country, city, or neighborhood. [1/2 definitions]
redevelop to restore or rebuild (an urban area, neighborhood, or the like). [1/2 definitions]
vicinage a neighborhood or its inhabitants. [1/3 definitions]