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Dictionary Suite
correspondent a person who reports news or contributes articles regularly to a newspaper, magazine, TV network, or the like, from a distant area. [1/4 definitions]
craze a fine crack or network of cracks, as in a glazed surface. [1/6 definitions]
download to transfer (data, files, or programs) from a network or remote computer to one's own computer. [1/2 definitions]
dragnet an organized plan or network for finding or apprehending someone, esp. a criminal. [1/2 definitions]
Ethernet a standard local area network architecture that specifies connection types, devices, and protocols (formerly a Xerox Corporation trademark).
file-sharing the activity of making computer files or data accessible over a network for use or download by other users and other computers.
fire wall (usu. spelled as one word) software or hardware that prevents unauthorized access to a computer or local area network from an outside network such as the Internet. [1/2 definitions]
food web the network of interacting food chains within an ecological community.
grapevine an informal network by which information, gossip, and the like are passed from person to person. [1/2 definitions]
gridiron anything resembling such a framework; network. [1/4 definitions]
hookup a radio or television network. [1/3 definitions]
instant messaging a form of electronic communication over a computer network in which two people converse in a similar manner to speaking by exchanging text messages which appear immediately on each others' screens upon typing.
internet a global network of millions of computers that provides rapid access to and exchange of data. [1/2 definitions]
Internet protocol address a unique numeric address assigned to an individual computer or other device in a network, used to route data to a destination; IP address.
labyrinth an intricate network of pathways or passageways intended to confuse the person or animal that navigates it; maze. [1/3 definitions]
LAN abbreviation of "Local Area Network," a group of computers, such as work stations in a business, connected with each other by their own data communications network that allows sharing of devices and data within a limited area.
landline a telephone or other telecommunications device that is connected to the public network by a wire cable, or a telephone service connected by such cables. [1/2 definitions]
Local Area Network a group of computers, such as workstations in a business, connected with each other by their own data communications network that allows sharing of devices and data within a limited area.
lockdown a method to restrict the use of a computer network to only authorized users in order to prevent damage. [1/3 definitions]
login the act of authenticating one's identity in order to start using a computer or network, usually by entering a user name and password recognized by the computer. [2 definitions]
log in to authenticate one's identity in order to start using a computer or network, usually by entering a user name and password recognized by the computer.