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anaconda any of several large nonvenomous constrictor snakes, esp. a certain South American tree snake that can grow to over twenty feet in length.
blacksnake any of various dark-colored, usu. nonvenomous North American snakes, esp. the black racer. [1/2 definitions]
boa constrictor a large nonvenomous snake native to the American tropics that is pale brown with darker markings and that coils around and crushes its prey.
green snake any of several small greenish nonvenomous North American snakes.
hognose snake any of several nonvenomous snakes characterized by a thick body and an upturned snout.
kingsnake any of several nonvenomous snakes of the New World that have yellow or red markings and feed mainly on rodents.
milk snake a nonvenomous king snake found in northeastern North America.
mud snake a bluish black burrowing snake of the southeastern United States, having a red belly and a nonvenomous spine at the tip of the tail.
python any of a number of nonvenomous snakes of the Eastern Hemisphere that kill by crushing and suffocating their victims. [1/3 definitions]
rat snake any of several nonvenomous snakes of North America and Eurasia that eat rodents and other small mammals.
vinegarroon a large, nonvenomous whip scorpion of the southern United States and Mexico that emits a strong odor of vinegar when disturbed.