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basalt a dense, fine-grained, dark-colored igneous rock created by lava flow that is rich in minerals containing magnesium and iron. The most common igneous rock on the Earth's surface due to its high abundance on the ocean floor.
continental shelf the submerged rim of a continent, from which descent to the ocean floor is usu. precipitous.
Mohorovicic discontinuity the irregular jointure of the earth's crust with the layer of mantle rock beneath it, positioned nearly twenty-two miles beneath the continental land masses and from three to six miles beneath the ocean floor.
oyster bed a place on the ocean floor where oysters naturally breed or one that is prepared for their cultivation.
sea lily a deep-water marine crinoid with a flowerlike body on a long stalk by which it is attached to the ocean floor.
seaquake an earthquake on or under the ocean floor.
trench a long, deep, narrow depression in the ocean floor. [1/8 definitions]