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abdicate to officially give up a position of power or a right.
adoptable able to be adopted; able to be officially accepted or taken on as one's own, esp. as one's own child or one's pet.
appeal in law, to officially request a review of (a case) to a higher court. [1/7 definitions]
approve to accept and allow officially. [1/3 definitions]
ban1 to forbid, usu. officially; prohibit. [1/3 definitions]
call to summon officially. [1/25 definitions]
check out to say officially that you are leaving your hotel room and to pay the bill. [1/5 definitions]
confiscate officially seized. [1/3 definitions]
decree to order or decide officially. [1/2 definitions]
de facto in reality, if not officially or legally. [1/3 definitions]
disbar to expel officially from the legal profession.
Douay Bible an English translation of the Bible, based on the Vulgate and completed in 1610, that was the officially approved text of the Roman Catholic Church.
East Germany a country in north central Europe from 1949 until 1990. East Germany and West Germany are now one country again, officially called the Federal Republic of Germany. East Germany was also called the German Democratic Republic.
electoral college a body of people chosen to officially elect the President and Vice President of the United States, based on the popular vote in each state.
emit to issue formally or officially, as a decree or currency. [1/3 definitions]
enroll to enlist or sign up officially.
foreign office in some nations, the government department officially concerned with foreign policy.
formal adhering to regulations or an officially recognized manner of operating; proper, legal, or official. [1/9 definitions]
Fourteen Points the provisions of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson's proposed plan for peace in Europe after World War I, first enumerated in a speech to the U.S. Congress in 1918. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles, which officially ended the war, ultimately included only four of the Fourteen Points, including the creation of a League of Nations.
hand in to announce officially. [1/2 definitions]
heterodox deviating from an officially approved belief or doctrine, esp. in religion. [1/2 definitions]