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Dictionary Suite
afoot on foot; walking. [1/2 definitions]
à pied (French) on foot; by foot.
athlete's foot a common foot infection caused by fungi. Athlete's foot makes the skin itch and look scaly.
bobby (chiefly British; old-fashioned; informal) a police officer, esp. one who patrols on foot.
crosswalk a lane or path in a road that is marked off for people to cross on foot.
foot to walk or run on foot. [1/10 definitions]
footpad a highwayman or robber who operates on foot.
foot soldier a soldier who marches and fights on foot; infantryman.
footwork travel on foot that is required in doing some job or task; legwork. [1/3 definitions]
ford to cross (a river or other body of water) at a shallow place, as on foot or horseback. [1/2 definitions]
hotfoot it to move away with haste on foot, usually to avoid trouble or danger.
infantry soldiers on foot, or the branch of the military to which they belong.
legion an army unit in ancient Rome that was made up of soldiers on foot and on horseback. [1/2 definitions]
lift a ride given to a person who is traveling on foot. [1/4 definitions]
pad2 to go along on foot; trudge. [1/3 definitions]
patrol a person or group, on foot or in vehicles, that guards in this way. [1/3 definitions]
pedestrian going on foot. [1/4 definitions]
steeplechase a similar race involving humans on foot. [1/2 definitions]
tramp to walk with steady, even steps; march; hike. [3/6 definitions]
tread to move on foot; step or walk. [1/7 definitions]
walk to travel on foot for exercise or fun. [1/8 definitions]