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carbonara designating pasta that is covered with a mild cheese sauce made up of eggs, bacon, onion, and parmesan cheese.
chive a small plant whose long, grasslike, onion-flavored leaves are often used as a seasoning.
French-fry (often l.c.) to fry (potatoes, onion rings, or the like) in deep oil or fat until crisp.
garlic a perennial plant related to the onion and grown for its strong-smelling, distinctive-tasting bulb. [1/3 definitions]
green onion a variety of onion that is picked while very young, has a long green stem, and is often eaten raw; scallion.
kishke beef casing stuffed with meal, fat, onion, seasonings, and the like, then steamed and roasted; stuffed derma.
leek a plant related to the onion that has broad green leaves and a fleshy, white, cylindrical bulb.
rocambole a European onion that resembles a lily and bears a cluster of small bulbs used like garlic.
rollmop a filet of fresh herring rolled around an onion or a pickle and marinated, usu. served as an hors d'oeuvre.
scallion an onion with a small bulb; green onion. [2 definitions]
squill the dried bulb of the sea onion, used as an expectorant and diuretic, or the plant itself.
steak tartare raw ground beef mixed with onion, seasonings, and raw egg and eaten uncooked, sometimes as an appetizer; tartar steak.
tunicate of or covered with concentric layers, as a bulb or an onion. [1/3 definitions]