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Dictionary Suite
android (cap.) an operating system developed by Google that is used for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. [3/4 definitions]
app a computer application designed for mobile operating systems and devices, such as cell phones. [1/2 definitions]
boot a covering for the foot and lower part of the leg, usually made of leather or rubber. [2 definitions]
boot up in computing, to start up (a computer or a program) by loading the operating system or installing the initial instructions.
crash1 in computing, to fail suddenly and completely, as a software program, operating system, or component of computer hardware. [1/17 definitions]
operating system in computing, the software that controls and manages all aspects of a computer's operation, including the execution of application programs; the functioning of computer hardware; data input and output; the timing of and allocation of resources to the execution of multiple, simultaneous tasks; the physical storage and location of data; and computer security. Users interact with the operating system though a graphical user interface.