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bankroll a roll of paper money. [1/3 definitions]
bill1 a piece of paper money. [1/7 definitions]
billfold a folding case for carrying paper money, often of leather and usu. small enough to fit into a pocket; wallet.
continental a piece of paper money issued by the Continental Congress. [1/6 definitions]
dollar a coin or paper money worth one hundred cents. [1/3 definitions]
fractional currency coins or paper money with a value less than the standard monetary unit, such as a U.S. dime or quarter.
greenback a piece of U.S. paper money.
money of account a monetary denomination or unit used in keeping accounts, esp. one that does not correspond to actual paper money or coin, such as the U.S. mill.
roll (informal) paper money. [1/32 definitions]
wad (informal) a roll or large amount of paper, esp. paper money. [1/7 definitions]
wallet a small flat pocketbook, usu. of leather, with compartments for paper money, credit cards, personal documents, and the like; billfold.