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Dictionary Suite
apposite fitting; pertinent; appropriate.
case history a record of pertinent facts and changes, usu. in a client or research subject undergoing medical, psychiatric, or similar treatment or study.
epigraph a pertinent quotation or motto, esp. found at the beginning of a literary work or of a chapter. [1/2 definitions]
foreign not pertinent or related. [1/4 definitions]
germane having relevance to a given matter; pertinent; significant.
inapposite not pertinent or fitting.
know the ropes (informal) to be or become acquainted with the techniques or procedures pertinent to a particular situation, organization, or the like.
learn the ropes (informal) to be or become acquainted with the techniques or procedures pertinent to a particular situation, organization, or the like.
off the track not relevant to the pertinent point or issue; astray.
pertain to be appropriate to something; be pertinent. [1/3 definitions]
relevant related to or connected with the present matter; pertinent. [1/2 definitions]
scratch sheet a racing publication listing the horses removed from races that day, and other pertinent information such as betting odds; dope sheet.
topical pertinent to topics of current interest. [1/3 definitions]