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actinic rays electromagnetic radiation, such as x-rays or ultraviolet light, that can produce an image on a photographic emulsion.
bellows anything with folding sides that resembles this device, such as an accordion or certain types of photographic equipment. [1/3 definitions]
blueprint a photographic print of architectural or mechanical drawings, usu. done with white lines on a blue background. [1/3 definitions]
cartridge a unit enclosing photographic film for ease of loading into a camera. [1/4 definitions]
cellulose acetate a resin produced from cellulose, used to make products such as lacquers, photographic film, artificial silks, cigarette filters, and explosives.
collodion in chemistry, a thick solution of pyroxylin suspended in alcohol and ether, used in producing photographic film, in cementing surgical bandages and sealing wounds, and in engraving and lithography.
copier a machine used to make photographic copies of pages; photocopy machine. (See Xerox.) [1/2 definitions]
cyanine any of several dyes that are used to sensitize photographic film to certain colors.
darkroom a room made lightproof and equipped for processing photographic materials.
developer a chemical used to develop exposed photographic film. [1/2 definitions]
double exposure the act of making two exposures on the same film, photographic plate, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
emulsion a light-sensitive coating of silver halides suspended in gelatin, used on photographic film and paper. [1/2 definitions]
enlarge to produce (a photographic print) bigger than the negative. [1/5 definitions]
exposure the act of exposing photographic film to light, or the duration of such exposing. [1/7 definitions]
film a thin cellulose strip covered with a light-sensitive material, used to make photographic images. [1/11 definitions]
flash a photographic device for producing brief illumination of a subject; flash bulb; flash gun. [1/17 definitions]
gelatinize to coat (photographic paper or the like) with gelatin. [1/3 definitions]
glossy a photographic print on glossy paper. [1/5 definitions]
JPEG abbreviation of "Joint Photographic Experts Group," used to denote the cross-platform image file format based on this committee's image compression algorithm, or such a file itself, and, shortened to jpg, used as the filename extension for files in this format.
lantern slide an early type of photographic transparency for projection.
magic lantern an instrument formerly used to project and enlarge photographic slides.