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Dictionary Suite
card1 a small piece of thick paper used for messages, such as a greeting card or postal card. [1/4 definitions]
certified mail a postal service that, for a fee, guarantees the delivery of first-class uninsured mail by requiring the addressee to sign for it. [1/2 definitions]
dead-letter office a postal department to which undeliverable or unreturnable letters and parcels are sent to be opened, delivered if an address can be found, or destroyed.
first-class given or entitled to preferential treatment by the U.S. Postal Service. [1/4 definitions]
general delivery the postal service or department that delivers or handles such mail. [1/2 definitions]
letter carrier someone who delivers mail, usu. an employee of the postal service.
mail1 the system set up to send and deliver letters, packages and other items; postal system. [3/4 definitions]
Mailgram trademark for a telegram processed through the postal service.
misdirect to put the wrong address on (a letter) or, of the postal service, to send (a letter) to the wrong address. [1/2 definitions]
parcel post the branch of the postal service that handles parcels and packages. [1/2 definitions]
post code in the UK, a code made up of letters and numerals used to identify a postal address.
postmaster general (often cap.) the head of a nation's postal service.
registered mail mail that is accompanied by the signature of each postal handler and must be signed for by the addressee, to provide a record that it has been delivered.
second class a class of U.S. mail that comprises newspapers, magazines, and commercial mail that are open to postal inspection. [1/3 definitions]
special delivery a postal service that guarantees, for a fee, the delivery of a piece of mail by messenger.
star route a postal route between stations, given to a private carrier on contract.
third-class of or designating the class below second class, as in railroad passenger accommodations, postal delivery, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
third class a low-cost class of U.S. mail, comprising items under sixteen ounces, such as advertising or political circulars, that are open to postal inspection. [1/3 definitions]
Zip Code (Trademark) Zip Code is a U.S. Postal Service system that uses a code of five or more numbers to identify every postal delivery area in the United States. Zip stands for "Zone Improvement Plan."