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bamboo curtain (sometimes cap.) a barrier to trade and diplomacy, based on ideological and political differences, that formerly existed between the People's Republic of China and the West, attributed by the latter to the secrecy and censorship practiced by the Chinese. (Cf. iron curtain.)
bullfight a ceremonial sport practiced esp. in Spain and Mexico in which banderilleros and picadors first goad and tire a specially bred bull, and then a matador with a cape and sword provokes the bull into charging him several times, and finally kills it.
color bar segregation or discrimination based on race or skin color, usu. as practiced by whites against nonwhites; color line.
conversant familiar; acquainted; practiced (usu. fol. by "with" or "in").
cosplay the activity of wearing clothes, makeup, and accessories associated with a particular character in a movie, comic book, or the like. In addition, cosplay involves roleplay along with others who are engaging in cosplay. Cosplay developed in Japan and is practiced by fans of Japanese anime both in Japan and in other countries.
customary done or practiced according to custom or tradition; usual. [2/3 definitions]
cut one's wisdom teeth to attain maturity; arrive at an age when decisions must be made and discretion practiced.
dirty tricks (sing.) any unethical, unfair, or callously hurtful trick practiced on someone. [1/2 definitions]
disuse the state or condition of not being used or practiced any longer.
Don Juan a hardened and practiced seducer; rake or libertine. [1/2 definitions]
dry farming a kind of farming practiced in arid regions without irrigation by growing drought-resistant crops or covering them with mulch or other substances to prevent the soil's moisture from evaporating.
extinct no longer practiced or observed, as a custom. [1/3 definitions]
fine art (often pl.) art, esp. visual art, practiced and admired for its beauty or significance rather than its practicality or usefulness. [1/3 definitions]
hoodoo religious sorcery practiced esp. by some of the Afro-Caribbean population of Haiti, Jamaica, and other Caribbean islands; voodoo. [1/3 definitions]
humorist one who is esp. skilled and practiced in the use of humor in such activities as writing or acting. [1/2 definitions]
lama a priest of the form of Buddhism practiced in Tibet and Mongolia.
Lamaism a form of Buddhism practiced in Tibet and Mongolia that includes elaborate rituals and a complex hierarchy.
liberation theology a kind of Catholic theology, practiced esp. by clergy members in Central and South America, advocating social activism against political, economic, or social oppression.
orthodox of, having to do with, or following what is believed or practiced by most other people.
Sankhya a system of philosophy, practiced by Hindus, that is based on the dualism of spirit and matter.
second nature an acquired habit, characteristic, or skill that has been practiced so often that it appears to be part of one's nature.