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Dictionary Suite
box1 a difficult situation; predicament; dilemma. [1/9 definitions]
dilemma (informal) any difficult and perplexing situation; predicament. [1/2 definitions]
fix a difficult or awkward situation; dilemma; predicament. [1/13 definitions]
grasp at a straw to seek anything, no matter how flimsy, that might save one from a predicament.
grasp at straws to seek anything, no matter how flimsy, that might save one from a predicament.
hot water (informal) a troublesome situation; dangerous circumstance; difficulty; predicament (usu. prec. by "in," "into" or the like).
in the same boat in the same predicament or situation.
jam1 (informal) a difficulty or embarrassment not easily resolved; trouble or predicament. [1/12 definitions]
pass state of affairs; predicament. [1/33 definitions]
plight1 a state or situation, esp. an unhappy or unlucky one; predicament.
scrape a difficult or embarrassing situation; predicament. [1/13 definitions]