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Dictionary Suite
auction a public sale at which prospective buyers bid for goods and merchandise. [1/2 definitions]
intended expected for the future; prospective. [1/3 definitions]
interview a meeting between a job applicant and a prospective employer, usu. to determine the applicant's qualifications. [2/5 definitions]
road test a test made on the road under normal driving conditions to assess the quality of a vehicle's performance, undertaken esp. by a prospective buyer or by a mechanic servicing a vehicle in need of repair. [1/2 definitions]
venire the whole group of prospective jurors from which a jury is selected. [1/2 definitions]
venireman someone summoned under a venire facias to appear in court as a prospective juror.
voir dire an oath sworn by a prospective witness or juror to tell the truth in an examination by which a court seeks to determine that person's competence to participate in a trial.