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Dictionary Suite
bunch a lump or other protuberance. [1/5 definitions]
casque in zoology, a formation or protuberance resembling a helmet. [1/2 definitions]
knurl a knot or protuberance, as on a tree; gnarl. [1/3 definitions]
nub a knob or knoblike protuberance. [1/3 definitions]
nutgall a nut-shaped protuberance caused by parasitic wasps, esp. on oak trees.
papilla a small bodily projection that resembles a nipple, such as a taste bud on the tongue, a protuberance at the root of a hair, or a pimple.
peak any tapering, pointed protuberance or projection. [1/7 definitions]
pommel the protuberance at the top front of a saddle. [1/3 definitions]