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absolute free of any external standard; not relative. [1/7 definitions]
accent relative prominence of a syllable within a particular word; stress. [2/8 definitions]
airspeed the speed of a flying object, esp. an aircraft, relative to the surrounding air.
alloy the relative degree of purity of a metal; fineness. [1/5 definitions]
atomic number the factor that determines the relative position of an element in the periodic table. [1/2 definitions]
bereaved in a state of grief over the death of a friend or relative. [1/2 definitions]
billing the order or size of performers' names as they appear on a printed program, screen credits, or the like, taken as a sign of relative status or importance. [1/3 definitions]
blood relation a person to whom one is related by birth; blood relative.
Bohemian (often l.c.) of, pertaining to, or like an intellectual nonconformist, esp. a writer or artist living in relative poverty. [1/6 definitions]
buffer1 in chemistry, a substance that preserves the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution when an acid or base is added. [1/6 definitions]
chill the sensation of relative coldness, often accompanied by shivering and caused by lowered temperature or illness. [1/16 definitions]
chroma the purity or degree of saturation of a color; relative absence of white or gray in a color.
comparative measured or estimated by comparison; relative. [1/4 definitions]
configuration in astronomy, the relative position or arrangement of stars or of a particular group of stars. [2/6 definitions]
configure to arrange relative to each other. [1/2 definitions]
constellation in astrology, the relative positioning of the stars and planets, esp. at the time of one's birth, believed to influence character and fate. [1/3 definitions]
cousin a relative having a common ancestor but in a different line of descent. [1/3 definitions]
dB abbreviation of "decibel," or "decibels," a unit indicating the level of loudness of sound, relative to a standard level, or indicating relative differences in power levels of electrical signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels.
decibel a unit indicating the level of loudness of sound, relative to a standard level, or indicating relative differences in power levels of electrical signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels. (abbr.: dB)
depth perception the ability to perceive spatial relationships such as the relative distance of objects from one another or from the observer.
Doppler effect the apparent shift in frequency of waves, as of sound or light, if the source and receptor are in motion relative to each other. The frequency appears to become greater if they move closer and become less if they move apart.