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bond a piece of paper that a government or business gives when it borrows money. A bond promises to repay the sum of money along with interest. [1/4 definitions]
bum (informal) to ask for and obtain without intending to repay. [1/5 definitions]
compensate to pay or repay. [1/2 definitions]
debt an obligation to repay or recompense. [2/3 definitions]
make it up to (someone) to repay (someone) in some way for a wrong, or perceived wrong, done to that person.
mooch (slang) to get by begging, or by borrowing without intending to repay or return. [1/5 definitions]
owe to have to pay or repay; be in debt to. [1/2 definitions]
pay back to return what is owed or borrowed; repay.
promissory note a written promise to pay or repay a specified sum to a designated person at a specified time or on demand.
recompense to repay (someone) for giving aid or service, or for incurring costs or inconvenience on one's behalf. [2/4 definitions]
repaid past tense and past participle of repay.
repayable combined form of repay.
satisfy to repair or repay (a wrong, debt, or the like). [1/5 definitions]
scrounge to borrow without intending to return or repay; take at someone else's expense. [2/5 definitions]