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diplomate a person who holds a diploma, esp. a physician or engineer certified as a specialist by a board of respected professionals.
eminence a lofty and respected position or reputation. [1/3 definitions]
esteemed highly respected or valued.
fame the condition of being well known or respected by a great number of people.
honor the state of being highly regarded and respected by others. [1/13 definitions]
maestro someone who is a brilliant or highly respected teacher, composer, or conductor of music. [2 definitions]
offense something that causes anger or a feeling of not being respected. [1/3 definitions]
passing a person's death, especially the death of someone who was respected or much loved. [1/5 definitions]
patriarch an old man who is respected and honored; or some other living thing that is like a patriarch. [1/2 definitions]
scandal a strongly negative public reaction to the report of behavior that is illegal or considered morally wrong on the part of someone who is in a trusted or respected position.
special valued and respected; dear; close. [1/6 definitions]
time-honored respected because of its long use.
unimportant not powerful or respected. [1/2 definitions]
well-thought-of having a good reputation; respected; esteemed.