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alb a full-length linen robe worn by some Christian priests at the Eucharist.
cap and gown a mortarboard and robe worn at certain academic ceremonies such as graduation.
cope2 a long ecclesiastical robe worn as an outer garment in processions and the like. [1/2 definitions]
cowl a hood or hooded robe, often worn by monks. [1/6 definitions]
domino2 a long, loose cloak or robe with a hood, worn by clergymen or, often with an eye mask, by masqueraders. [1/3 definitions]
dressing gown a robe worn while relaxing or before becoming fully dressed.
enrobe to dress or to wrap, esp. in or as if in a robe.
floor-length extending to the floor, as a skirt, dress, or robe; full-length.
frock a coarse, long robe with large sleeves, worn by monks; habit. [1/4 definitions]
gown a long, loose piece of clothing, such as a nightgown or the robe worn by a judge or minister. [1/2 definitions]
hood a covering for the head and neck, often attached to a coat, jacket, or robe. [1/3 definitions]
housecoat a woman's casual robe worn only in the home, often over a nightgown or pajamas.
jubbah a long outer robe worn by men and women in some Muslim countries.
negligee a woman's dressing gown or robe, usu. long, full, and of a delicate, often translucent, fabric. [1/2 definitions]
train a long part of a gown or robe that trails behind the person wearing it. [1/9 definitions]
vestment clothing, esp. a robe or gown worn on official or ceremonial occasions. [1/2 definitions]
wrapper a woman's housecoat or robe, usu. fastened with a sash or belt. [1/3 definitions]