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amusement park an outdoor place offering games, rides on merry-go-rounds and roller coasters, and the like, and refreshments.
in-line skate a roller skate consisting of a boot with wheels attached in a single line down the middle of the sole.
offset printing a printing process in which the inked impression is made on a rubber roller or blanket, from which it is then transferred to paper; offset.
photo-offset a method of offset printing in which an inked photolithographic image is transferred from a metal plate to a rubber blanket or roller and then printed on paper. [1/2 definitions]
platen in a typewriter or printer, the roller that holds the paper in position. [1/2 definitions]
rink a smooth wood surface used for roller skating. [1/3 definitions]
roll to spread out by uncurling or flattening with a roller or similar device. [2/32 definitions]
roll-on dispensed from a roller or rotating ball mounted at the top of the container.
skate1 a shoe with either a blade or a set of small wheels attached to the sole, for use, respectively, on ice and on other hard surfaces; ice skate or roller skate. [2 definitions]
skateboard a flat, short, narrow board mounted on four roller-skate wheels, ridden in a standing position or used to perform athletic feats such as jumps and flips. [1/2 definitions]
steamroller a vehicle with a massive roller, used esp. in road construction for smoothing, crushing, and the like. [1/5 definitions]
supercalender a roller or set of rollers that gives a high gloss to paper. [1/2 definitions]
truckle2 a small roller or wheel. [1/2 definitions]
trundle a small wheel or roller. [1/6 definitions]
window shade a shade or blind for a window, made of heavy cloth or paper and usu. mounted on a spring roller.