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aisle a side section in a church, separated from the nave by a row of pillars or columns. [1/2 definitions]
alley1 a narrow lane giving access to the area behind a row of houses. [1/5 definitions]
amphiprostyle having a row of columns at each end but none along the sides, as an ancient Greek temple.
arcade a row of arches connected to form a passageway. [1/2 definitions]
arcuation a system, row, or grouping of arches. [1/3 definitions]
backbone the row of bones that runs along the center of the back; spine. [1/2 definitions]
bingo a game in which players try to match numbers on a card with numbers read out by a caller. Each player has a card with numbered squares. The player who is the first to cover a whole row of squares is the winner.
bleachers long, flat seats placed in rows with each row higher than the one before.
bookend a support, often ornamental and in a pair, used to prop up the end of a row of books.
bounce to spring back or up after hitting something, or to do so several times in a row. [1/4 definitions]
chain a row of links, usually made of metal, that are joined together and used to pull, hold, or fasten something. [1/5 definitions]
column a vertical list or row. [1/4 definitions]
corvette an obsolete sailing vessel that was smaller than a frigate and usu. armed with one row of guns. [1/2 definitions]
digital showing information by a row of numbers. [1/2 definitions]
digital clock a clock that shows the time as numbers in a row rather than by hands on a dial.
double-breasted having the sides overlap each other by a wide margin on the breast or front, and usu. having a double vertical row of buttons, as a jacket or coat. (Cf. single-breasted.) [1/2 definitions]
footlight (usu. pl.) the row of lights at the front of a stage near floor level. [1/2 definitions]
harmonica a small rectangular hand-held wind instrument played by blowing and inhaling air over a set of metal reeds recessed beneath a row of air holes; mouth organ.
hedge a solid row of bushes, used as a kind of fence.
hedgerow a row of bushes or shrubs that forms a hedge or boundary.
keyboard a row or rows of keys on a machine or instrument.