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Algonquin any of several Algonquian Indian tribes formerly living in the region of southern Canada and the St. Lawrence River, or a member of one of these tribes. [1/3 definitions]
Antigua and Barbuda a country in the Caribbean Sea made up of three islands. The capital of Antigua and Barbuda is St. John's.
apocalypse (cap.) the last book of the New Testament, ascribed to St. John the Divine; the Book of Revelation; Revelations. [1/3 definitions]
Benedictine a member of a Roman Catholic order of monks or nuns following the rule of St. Benedict. [1/2 definitions]
canonize in the Roman Catholic Church, to declare (someone) a saint. [1/3 definitions]
Castries the capital of St. Lucia.
dobra the chief monetary unit of St. Thomas and Principe, equaling one hundred centimos. [1/2 definitions]
Dominican of or relating to St. Dominic or the Dominican friars. [2/6 definitions]
feast day (often cap.) a periodic commemorative event or occasion, esp. a religious festival celebrating a saint or holy occurrence.
Franciscan of or pertaining to one of the Roman Catholic orders founded by St. Francis of Assisi in 1209. [2 definitions]
Grenada an island country in the eastern West Indies north of Trinidad and Tobago. The capital of Grenada is St. George's.
Grenadines a large group of islands in the eastern Caribbean, some of which belong to Grenada and others to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
hagio- saint; holy.
hagiography a biography, or biographies, of a saint or saints. [1/2 definitions]
hallow a saint or sacred place or object. (Used almost exclusively in current English as part of a compound.) [1/3 definitions]
halo a circle of light shining around the head of a god, an angel, or a saint in a picture. [1/2 definitions]
holy of the character of a saint. [1/3 definitions]
Kingstown the capital of St. Vincent.
man of God a holy or godly person; saint. [1/2 definitions]
Martinmas a Christian church festival held on November 11 in honor of St. Martin.
Minnesota a state in the midwestern United States. Its capital is St. Paul. (abbreviated: MN)