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Dictionary Suite
asking price the price or cost of an item for sale (used by a seller usu. to indicate a willingness to accept less money after bargaining).
bait-and-switch a sales tactic in which a seller attracts customers by advertising at a bargain price one item that is often out of stock, and then diverts their attention by encouraging them to buy another item at a higher price. [1/2 definitions]
charge account a business arrangement between a buyer and seller in which the seller allows the buyer to charge purchases to an account, for which he or she will be billed later.
connection (informal) a seller of illegal drugs. [1/6 definitions]
fair-trade pertaining to an agreement made by a seller to pay fair wages to workers producing the seller's goods in a developing country, or to the products produced under such an agreement. [1/3 definitions]
guarantee a promise, especially in writing, that something one has bought will work properly. If it does not, the seller or maker must either repair or replace it. [1/4 definitions]
land contract a real estate contract in which the buyer agrees to make periodic payments to the seller, taking title only when the purchase price has been paid in full.
markup the amount or percentage that a seller adds to the cost price of goods to determine their selling price. [1/2 definitions]
monopoly a market characterized by only one seller or regulated by a pricing agreement between sellers. (Cf. monopsony.) [1/5 definitions]
over-the-counter of stocks, not listed on any stock exchange and traded directly between buyer and seller. [1/2 definitions]
pitchman a street vendor or seller of cheap wares, esp. at a carnival, with a colorful sales spiel. [1/2 definitions]
pusher (slang) a seller of illegal drugs. [1/2 definitions]
reseller combined form of seller.
seller's market a market that favors the seller because goods or services are scarce and prices are high. (Cf. buyer's market.)
short sale a sale of something such as securities that the seller does not yet own, but that he or she expects to buy in the future at a lower price.
superseller combined form of seller.
vintner a maker or seller of wine.
whore to engage in prostitution, as the seller or buyer of sexual acts. [1/4 definitions]