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blade either of two large flat triangular bones forming the back parts of the shoulders; shoulder blades. [1/6 definitions]
chuck2 a cut or section of beef taken from the area between the neck and shoulder blades. [1/2 definitions]
clavicle either of two bones joining the breastbone and the shoulder blades; collarbone.
collarbone either of two bones joining the breastbone and the shoulder blades.
coracoid a bone that extends from shoulder blade to breastbone in reptiles and birds, but that is only a rudimentary bony process in mammals. [1/2 definitions]
rhomboideus either of two muscles that connect the vertebrae in the upper back to the shoulder blades.
scapula either of the two flat, roughly triangular bones that form the back part of a human shoulder; shoulder blade.
scapular a shoulder blade. [2/5 definitions]
withers on a horse or similar animal, the highest spot on the back, at the base of the neck between the shoulder blades.