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Dictionary Suite
bandeau a simple brassiere, with or without shoulder straps, that consists of a single band of fabric. [1/2 definitions]
dungaree (chiefly British; pl.) loose-fitting, heavy cotton trousers with a bib and shoulder straps, often worn over clothes for protection from soiling; overalls. [1/3 definitions]
epaulet an ornamental shoulder strap or board, sometimes with fringes, as on some military uniforms.
mailbag a large bag with a shoulder strap used by one who delivers mail. [1/2 definitions]
musette bag a small leather or canvas bag for toilet articles, carried by a shoulder strap.
overall (usu. pl.) loose-fitting, heavy cotton trousers with a bib and shoulder straps, often worn over clothes for protection from soiling. [1/5 definitions]
overalls loose-fitting, heavy cotton trousers with a bib and shoulder straps, often worn over clothes for protection from soiling. [1/2 definitions]
purse a pouch or bag made of leather, cloth, plastic, or the like, for carrying money and other personal possessions, usu. carried by a hand or shoulder strap; handbag. [1/5 definitions]
rucksack a strong bag hung on the back from shoulder straps, used by hikers and mountain climbers; knapsack.
satchel a small bag, often with a shoulder strap, used to carry books and other small articles.
shoulder holster a holster attached, under one's armpit, to a shoulder strap, so that a firearm can be carried concealed under one's coat or jacket.
snow pants pants made of water-resistant fabric, often having an attached bib and shoulder straps, worn especially during play activities in snow.
spaghetti strap a thin round shoulder strap on a woman's garment such as a party dress.