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charade an act performed without sincerity, esp. when the pretense is so obvious as to be ridiculous. [1/2 definitions]
credibility gap the quality or condition of having one's truthfulness or sincerity be widely doubted; untrustworthiness. [1/2 definitions]
declaim to speak or write for rhetorical impact, without logic or sincerity. [1/4 definitions]
declamation speech or writing for oratorical effect, often without sincerity or sound argument. [1/2 definitions]
earnest1 having or showing deep concern or sincerity. [1/3 definitions]
good faith a state of honesty, sincerity, and good intentions (usu. prec. by "in").
meretricious lacking truth or sincerity; deceptive; spurious. [1/2 definitions]
simplicity lack of deceit or affectation; sincerity. [1/3 definitions]
single-hearted marked by honesty and sincerity; dedicated.
truth sincerity; truthfulness. [1/6 definitions]