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Baltimore oriole an orange and black North American songbird that builds finely woven, pendant nests.
blackbird a common songbird, the males of which are black or mostly black. Crows and grackles are blackbirds.
bluebird a small, blue North American songbird. Males usually have a reddish breast.
bobolink a black, yellow, and white North American songbird that is named for its cry. Bobolinks move from one region to another during certain times of the year.
cardinal a North American songbird with a crest of feathers on its head. Male cardinals have bright red feathers and a black face and throat. [1/3 definitions]
catbird a dark gray North American songbird. One of its calls is like the sound a cat makes.
dickcissel a sparrowlike American songbird characterized, in the male, by a yellow breast and a black mark at the throat.
gold-finch a small brownish European songbird marked with red, black, and yellow. [1/2 definitions]
lark1 a songbird with a long hind claw and a musical song. There are many kinds of larks.
laverock a primarily Scottish word for "lark," a kind of songbird with a long hind claw and a musical song.
mavis a small Eurasian songbird with brown wings and a spotted white breast; song thrush.
mockingbird a gray and white North American songbird. It has many different calls and can also copy the sounds that other birds make.
oriole a songbird that can be found in many parts of the world. Males have black and bright yellow or orange feathers. There are two main groups of birds that are considered orioles. There are several different kinds of orioles in each group.
pine warbler a small, yellow and greenish songbird found esp. in pine woods of the eastern United States.
robin a large North American songbird related to the thrush, with an orange-red breast, dark brown head and back, and a bright yellow bill. [1/2 definitions]
scarlet tanager a U.S. songbird, the male of which has a bright scarlet body with black wings and tail.
song sparrow a common North American songbird with streaked brownish plumage.
song thrush a common Eurasian songbird with brown upper plumage and a white, brown-spotted breast.
sparrow a small, common songbird with brown or gray feathers. There are several kinds of sparrows and they can be found in many different areas.
thrush1 a common songbird that can be found in many parts of the world. Many thrushes have a dark upper body and a spotted breast. The robin and bluebird are kinds of thrushes.
warbler a small American songbird that eats insects. There are many kinds of warblers and some are brightly colored.