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germinate to start or cause to start growth; sprout.
grass to sprout grass. [1/8 definitions]
hyacinth any of various plants related to the lily that sprout from bulbs and bear spikes of fragrant, variously colored blossoms. [1/3 definitions]
leaf to bear or sprout leaves. [1/5 definitions]
malt barley that is allowed to sprout, then used to make beer and ale.
pullulate to begin to grow or sprout out; germinate; bud. [1/3 definitions]
resprout combined form of sprout.
spear2 a pointed sprout or shoot of a plant.
tiller3 a sprout or shoot that grows from the base of a plant. [2 definitions]
umbel a flower cluster in which flower stalks of nearly uniform length sprout from the same point on the main stem, as in the carrot plant.