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agitation the act or process of stirring up something, forcing it to move around or back and forth. [2 definitions]
barratry in law, the practice of frequently stirring up groundless lawsuits. [1/2 definitions]
breath a slight stirring of the air. [1/4 definitions]
emotional capable of stirring emotions, or tending to stir emotions. [1/4 definitions]
incite to urge to action by stirring up emotions. [1/2 definitions]
inspire to stimulate or influence (someone to do something) by stirring the emotions. [1/2 definitions]
poker1 a pointed metal rod for stirring up a fire.
roil to make (a liquid) turbid by stirring; make cloudy or muddy. [1/3 definitions]
scramble to cook in an open pan while stirring. [1/8 definitions]
spoon a tool with a small bowl at the end of a handle. You use a spoon for eating, stirring, serving, or measuring.
stir1 act of stirring; stirring motion. [1/9 definitions]
stir-fry to cook (thinly sliced or diced vegetables, meat, or fish) in a small amount of oil over high heat while stirring constantly.