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allegorize to perceive or understand in an abstract or symbolic sense. [1/3 definitions]
allegory a symbolic story or narrative. [1/2 definitions]
ankh in Egyptian art, a cross with a loop at the top, symbolic of life.
apple pie a pastry dish made with sliced apples and flavored with sugar, cinnamon, and sometimes other spices, often considered typically American or even symbolic of American culture and values.
BASIC a simplified computer language (acronym for "beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code").
bread this food as symbolic of the things necessary for survival. [1/4 definitions]
emblematic of, pertaining to, or acting as an emblem; symbolic.
expressionism a movement in the arts of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that emphasized the artist's subjective experience or perceptions, expressed through symbolic and often distorted or unconventional treatment of material.
guns and butter a symbolic representation of government spending for military or civilian needs.
Immanuel in the Old Testament, the symbolic name of the Messiah as prophesied by Isaiah, often identified with Jesus Christ by Christian interpreters.
mathematics (used with a sing. verb) the study of numbers and forms and their properties and relationships, using symbolic representation and systematically defined methods of proof.
mystic having hidden or spiritually symbolic meaning. [1/5 definitions]
mystical spiritually powerful, significant, or symbolic. [1/3 definitions]
nonsymbolic combined form of symbolic.
paschal lamb (cap.) Jesus Christ, or a symbolic representation of him. [1/2 definitions]
semaphore a device for or method of signaling, as on a railroad, by means of lights and symbolic signs or flags. [1/3 definitions]
Star of David a six-sided star composed of two interlaced equilateral triangles, long symbolic of Judaism and now the official symbol of the state of Israel.
symbolism the symbolic meaning or meanings of a thing or event. [1/3 definitions]
symbolist a writer or artist who uses symbolic language, imagery, and the like to portray ideas, emotions, and attitudes, esp. any of certain French artists or writers in the latter part of the nineteenth century. [1/2 definitions]
token present in minimal or symbolic, not substantial, numbers. [1/8 definitions]
tokenism the policy or practice of making only minimal or symbolic efforts to achieve some social or political goal such as racial integration or sex equality.